Being, Belonging and Becoming
About Lesson

Lesson 1: Introducing the Being, Belonging, and Becoming Program

Video: Why Choose Change? Why Now?

Let’s transform apathy into action—welcome to Being, Belonging and Becoming! In this video, we talk about the program’s roots and past cohorts.

Video: What Are Social Impact Projects?

Worksheet Activity: Finding Your Voice

It’s time to embark on a journey of self-discovery! Students will dive into a few journaling prompts.

Access the handout here:

For Teachers • Class Activity: Four Corners

Engage students in critical thinking about children’s rights, freedoms, and responsibilities in Canada.

  1. Setup:
    • Post the following statements in four different corners of the room:
      • “All children living in Canada have the same opportunities.”
      • “The voting age in Canada should be 16.”
      • “Canada protects the welfare of young people.”
      • “The rights and freedoms of Canadians are a result of the struggles of people in the past.”
  2. Instructions:
    • Step 1: Choose and Move. Ask students to walk to the statement they agree with the most. Once they’ve chosen a corner, give them sticky notes to write down the reasons for their choice.
    • Step 2: Switch Perspectives. Next, have students move to the statement they agree with the least. Here, they’ll jot down why they disagree.
    • Step 3: Seek Knowledge. Finally, direct students to the statement they know the least about. On a sticky note, they should write one thing they’d like to learn more about regarding that statement.
  3. Discussion:
    • Gather students for a class discussion based on their responses. Use this opportunity to introduce and explore key terms such as rights, freedoms, responsibilities, threat, child, and human rights.
    • Encourage students to share their thoughts and provide examples to help them connect these concepts to real-world situations.

These instructions are also available as documents:

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